

One month and counting

I've made it well over a month already without visiting facebook.  That's right - one month and counting!

For my birthday I gave myself one month "off" for good behavior. 

Well, what does "good behavior" have to do with it?  Not a thing, actually.  I simply decided to stay off of the disappointing treadmill of FB BS for a month to see if my attitude improved, my expectations mellowed, or my reactions to perceived slights and outright rudeness abated a bit.

I highly doubt any of that would be the case, so I am still sans the ol' fb for a while longer.  Tell me, has any of the self-aggrandizing twaddle (or the ignoring others' announcements and whatnot) calmed a bit?  I doubt that much as well.

It's been nearly seven weeks...and I'm still counting.  AND I'm still standing.

Take that, FB!

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