

I've had it with the world -- you load of jackasses!!!!! 


Lying ex-husbands. 

Cheating ex-husbands.

Philandering bosses. 

Diddling uncles.

Contractors of ALL sorts who take your money & don't accomplish half of what they're paid for.

Hospitals that add charges for services not rendered & that allow doctors to roam the halls signing patient charts without ever seeing the patient.  And let's not forget double billing for ER docs.

Men who are fathers who don't act like it.  Losers who duck out on their parental responsibility and are absent for much of the formative years.  Snip, snip, fellas.

Would-be employers who tell you that they were looking for a younger person during the interview process.

Those who drive someones car with a handicap plate or sign, and then park in handicap spots because they think it's OK.  LAZINESS IS NOT A HANDICAP!

People who smoke on campus despite all the signage saying it's a COMPLETELY smoke-free zone.

Judges who dismiss your work as a copy of something else without checking facts or dates.

Cats that whiz outside the box when the damned thing is fresh.

People who throw their cigarette butts out a car window.  YOU HAVE ASHTRAYS IN YOUR CARS!!!

People who use the race card...right off the bat - for e v e r y encounter.  Hey, if you're stupid it really has nothing to do with your color or ethnicity.  Stupid is stupid - deal with it and fix yourself!

I'm certain there are more, but I am tired...and I'm pretty sure you get the idea.

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better, but you will all still be here.  So. . . . . . . . .the effing world can eat my shorts! 

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