

Raucous storms yesterday

Yar, those be some fairly horrendous wind/rain combinations we had, and apparently our region is not out of the mix, yet.

Two large branches were taken down - one from the backyard apple tree, and one in the front out of the spreading maple.  Somehow I missed seeing the apple limb until a few moments ago.  Fortunately no damage was done to any power lines or the house, there's just a mess to contend with.

Somewhere around eight o'clock or so, the power blinked off in a nasty way, and Karl and I set about lighting candles.  It wasn't but a few moments later the power was back on and we were 'in business' again, but we left the candles lit until we were certain how the evening was to progress.

Here we are in the light of a new day, and we're finding enough to do around the place to keep us busy for a little while - at least until the next set of storms races through today.  Hope all is well at your end of the pond.

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