

Just a handful of pics from the "KODAK Moment"

Before you can do this...

you must know this:

Randy and DeWitt showed up with a very cool ARRIflex 16mm camera, and then Randy deconstructed it before our eyes. POOF!

He explained the workings, the bits and pieces, and the do-dads and widgets.

All very neat and spiffy...could have gone on for hours asking and learning...but that would have run into the second session.

Ah well, I have the time and the drive, so I will manage to learn it at another time.

And I will, mark my words.

Once he was through re-assembling the ARRI, it was a thing of beauty. We grabbed up all of the gear and trudged to the conservatory, where we took turns learning the ins and outs of laying out shots, marking the stops, the AC's duties, what a camera person REALLY does, and how it gets done.

Way different than an ENG shoot. Much cooler, too!

Once again, many thanks to Randy and DeWitt, and to Serenity! My eyes are wide open and my brain is on hyperdrive. Just let me get started.

Get outta my way, world! Stand back and watch me soar...

I am a leaf on the wind!

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