

Plugging away

Sounds like I am fixing leaks in my bathtub, doesn't it? Or, maybe leaks in a boat.


Whatever the case, I am plugging (not 'plunging') away. Diligently working to satisfy the requirements of the next few weeks...between team projects and resume requirements and the final demo must-haves...I am dog-paddling like mad. Couple the graduation/class requirements with a lack of equipment to use, and you now have a major catastrophy on your hands.

That's right, despite the fact that the Editing Lab is utilized only by the RTV09-07 class on Monday (as well as on other days), Mr. Uptight...Mr. I-have-a-corncob-lodged-up-my-superior-ass, has now prohibited our class from using the few "3rd quarter" pc's/Mac's for our demo assembly, too.

Let's think about this for a moment, shall we? 1) We've paid - in full, mind you - for the priviledge to be there - sometimes getting sufficient teaching, sometimes not. (Not going to take the time or space here to debate the latter statement.) 2) Paid to use what they pass for "state of the art" equipment. 3) Have suffered through the really crummy scheduling and educational path set up for Video Prod students. (Again, won't waste time here going into the lack of merit in the horrible curriculum.) 4) Waited until literally the LAST moments to get hands-on time with the new cameras...too few cameras at such a late stage in "the game" for so many people.

So now, we are to be denied the use of the necessary tools to make the best use of our time remaining in order to get our demos as ready as they can be. What the freak!?


Oh yes, I feel a conversation coming on with somebody big...bigger than Mr. Ego.

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