

Slowly I turned...step by step...inch by inch...

Okey dokey, made it through week 27; A.K.A. week 3 of Q4. layman's terms, we have 5 blessed weeks left! Can you feel the excitement? The pressure?

Well, can ya?


We have to get together demo tapes/reels, and the Audio members of our class have been all over that. Of course, we (the Video component) need to get a video reel together, and I am wondering what the parameters of that will be. The sooner we are told, the better off we will be.

Yeah, right. [sgnort] Still need to wrestle the tape of a Specs in Focus show from Matt, so that I can make a copy of the three talent gigs I participated in for my reel (possibly. Mostly, I just want them for my own benefit).

It's late, and I have things to do that must get done, so I will return another day. Have a nice weekend, and to anybody reading this, sitting in the path of the latest snow storm...keep warm and stay indoors.

Hey! don't forget to turn your clocks ahead on Sunday, March 9!

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