

A snow day!

Hot diggity dog! And while it's not sunny outside, it certainly is bright.

Bright and purdy and shiny. Shiny, I say.


Yesterday went out as camera person with the group, and we drove to old Tiger Stadium...couldn't stop thinking of Grandpa Schaffer the whole time we were there. Except, of course, for those periods of concentrating on shooting good b-roll, and trying to keep my fingers from freezing while also trying to turn the camera on and off for footage capture. Those buttons are inconveniently placed for tripod use - especially with gloves on. LOL

Argh! Blast the cold.

Shot some exceptional b-roll, then muffed some of it trying to do zoom in's for a close up of an emblem or door sign for effect. Should have just locked the camera tight and taken still footage after the zooms. Ah well, live and learn.

But it was freakin' windy, and even when locking it for some of the shots, the camera still wobbled. Crazy cold and windy!

Logged the footage on a video log sheet after several attempts to capture the film onto the pc. Thanks, Brenden, for staying the extra several minutes after class to finish the chore. Sorry, Mark, for the delay in getting the heck "outta Dodge." All in all, we have about 14 to 15 minutes of great b-roll...and probably would have gotten more had it not been so cold.

We also motored over to Comerica so that Alister would have comparison footage between the two parks - his producer feature is sports-oriented, and he has decided to focus on the dereliction of the old ball park, and the subsequent loss that has been felt in the community, and the impending destruction of the structure. At least, I think that is what it is all about.

Anywho...time to get the day going. Boys to feed and things to do. Take care and enjoy your day, no matter what you are doing (or where you are doing it).

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