

Not a naturally occuring color

As I looked in the mirror a number of weeks ago, I determined it was time to cut myself some slack and cover my grays -- and a hat just wasn't going to cut it.

"Self," I said, "your color is getting a little drab. Washed out. You're looking spent, and nobody wants to hire a lifeless-looking thirty-something-year-old."

Shhh! critics - quiet! Friends....shaddup! ;^)

Slack cut and apportioned out, I sucked up my pride (again), and headed off to the nearest haircare aisle. Merely wanting to cover the encroaching gray - and the pallor of dish wateriness that was once a crowning glory - I bought a box of 'defense' at the local store and went to work.

Not being the least bit clever in the girl-ish ways of hair maintenance, I glooped on the product and waited the requisite time period specified for the petrified and graying populace in the directions.


Set about rinsing the concoction from my head only to find I am left with a color which does not naturally occur in any one's hair (with deference and respect to Lucille Ball).

Where's that hat?

1 comment:

Rie said...

LOL, we need PICTURES!!!!