

Maria and regrets & thanks & what was I thinking?

So, yesterday I let myself be spirited away....from studying. HA!

No, actually, I willingly walked away from it in the late afternoon to meet up with Maria and gab for a bit. Something I've been wanting to do for some time, now.

WARNING: Digression ahead

You know those things you want to do - mean to do - and they just keep finding the wrong end of a long stick. You keep shaking that stick and breaking off the tip to make it shorter, but somehow it always manages to grow at the thicker end? It just never gets shorter and the tasks never get easier or more pleasant. Do you know what I mean?

Do you?

Well, I should've just turned my 'stick' around and grabbed the big end a long time ago and made myself happy for a while. Thank you, Maria, for ALWAYS being such a kind and understanding (and seriously forgiving) human! I do not deserve you.

See, Maria is my never-get-to-end. I don't know why, and I don't want her to think I am intentionally (or, unintentionally) taking her for granted.

Well, anyway, she was up in my neck of the woods Wednesday to look for an outfit for a funeral she'll be attending this weekend. She phoned ahead to ask if I would like to join her (and I did, I DID want to), but in my infinite ignorance I declined, because I thought I needed to keep my head buried and follow my usual routine of study, study, study to get these three chapters (OK, two chapters and one long additional unit) into my head a bit deeper; and to work through the remainder of the workbook assignment also due this week - I'm still not done with the writing portion.

I keep telling myself I need to continuously review and not stray from my routine. Well....PHE! Do you know I spent equal amounts of time trying to concentrate and feeling like a heel, wondering why I simply didn't just get up and go.

What I managed to do was to refuse myself the luxury and fun and privilege of Maria's good company and to catch up - I mean really ask those questions I have wanted answers to about how she is and how stuff is transpiring in her life.

What was I thinking?

Well, the time was entirely too short, and M was about as lovely and gracious as ever, and I still managed to not inquire about her hand - how it's healing - and to get into what she meant by "friend-ing her", because I can't find her on the myfaceyspaceypage-thing-a-majig.

Ah, well. Things left for the next time - which will happen sooner rather than later, and will be in her neighborhood...because I want to see her new house - whatever phase it's in currently! I want her to show me the gardens and activities she's been involved in since she took her Master Gardening course!

Lastly, I want her to know that I am very thankful for the impromptu grub she treated me to so we could sit and eat and catch up before she went back to the city and I buried myself once more in my books and forms.

THANK YOU! Next time this little sister gets the check! Oh yes I am!

OK, now I really have to get back to work. Sheeeeeeeeeez-ah!

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