


When everything goes 'according to Hoyle" there is a certain amount of satisfaction derived; even if you only manage to get half of the garden weeded. Looking out over that lovely bunch of groomed bed swells your senses and urges you to complete the task when time permits. However, in the meanwhile, you can bask in the glory of a lot of hard work and in the knowledge of what the garden will look like when the task is completed.

Of course, if you are the superficial type (or a supervisor), you gain no satisfaction from any sort of outcome. Yours is a soulless existence. If this is you, please move along and find another blog. Go ahead....toddle along. [tick tock]

We'll wait. [tick tock]

Please close the door behind you. Thank you!

A sense of well-being and contentment no matter what the errand or project or voyage or chore; that feeling of pride and accomplishment is wonderful and well-deserved.

Hey, if you don't derive a bit of satisfaction in a job well done (esp. after cleaning the bathroom), then there is something seriously wrong with you.

Back in February, when these classes (I am currently enrolled in) began, I had that satisfaction from not only passing the tests each week with flying colors, but in studying for them and understanding the reading material. Here we are, months later, and I am so ready for it to be over! With the seasonal changes in the weather, I am itchy to be outdoors on nice days instead of at the table making flashcards and re-reading about patients rights and the CPOE....or is it the PCOE?

I hate looking at the quilt hanging on the layout wall and thinking only about rearranging the color blocks instead of concentrating on the pericardial sac and its function. I find myself constantly wishing it was Friday so that I can play instead of study. Argh!

I am constantly musing over how to rearrange the lower level furniture instead of drilling over the forms for patient care.

Concentrate! I can't make myself do it any more. Not for these classes. My sense of satisfaction with this small portion of my life has evaporated. Pffffap! Gone.

Does anyone know how to get it back? It isn't as though it was knocked off the coffee table and rolled under the sofa. No, it's more like it packed a bag and ran away from home.

Come back, little Sheba!

Everyone tells me to be happy in looking forward to the classes being over with in just a very small handful of weeks. I know they are right, but it doesn't help as I am a pragmatic now-ist. Yeah, I can see down the road. I can usually see the big picture - paint in broad strokes and all of that.

I can picture the future, but my realistic side has complete control over my psyche for the time being, and it keeps seeing the class glass as nowhere near empty, yet. Instead of so many weeks down and only X amount to go, it dwells on/in the disbelief of weeks still to go.

Yeah, my psyche is a bit of a drama queen.

Right now, I am taking satisfaction in the knowledge that my bathroom is clean(er than it was).


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