

Back to it

Dropped the boy off at work and returned home this morning just ahead of the rain and the garbage trucks. The girls were glad I returned home, and met me at the door! After my stints of days away they all crave one-on-one female time - and I have to admit it's nice to be wanted by someone.

This is how crazy old cat ladies come to be, I'm sure of it!

Brian received word of another bit of his blood workup from the doctor. I KNEW it wasn't all done as quick as that (baaaaaarb). Hmpph!

Office told him his D level was 15 out of 100, and therefore prescribed a month-long supplement to take once a week (to elevate the D level more quickly) along with a daily vitamin supplement. Wonder what else they have (he has) yet to hear about. ??

The temps have cooled off, at least for the next few days, but 90s are back in the forecast future for the beginning of the coming week. Yug! Currently, it's raining, and I feel like running outdoors and dancing in it! Tonight the temps will drop into the 60s and the poor old attic fan will get a run for the money!

For the rest of today: Between us, Karl and I have two meetings for the day, a bank run to make, and then I will need to run back to pick up the boy (once his workday ends) to get him back to his car. And, I need to get moving on the remainder of the border quilting on a current project, also; SO close to completion, and time is drawing short.

Have a great day, and keep your chin up - as mom always says.

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