

Shock and ew

I almost flicked it with my toe.

I did! I was going to test a theory.

I caught a glimpse of something sitting on the carpet, next to the packs of snacky treats we feed the girls. At first, I gave it almost no thought, believing it to be just a design in the weave of the rug. But then, it dawned on me that there seemed to be a three-dimensional 'feel' to it. Was it my imagination or a combination of the fact that I wasn't wearing my glasses and the poor lighting?

I had given thought to dropping my foot on the area and sliding it about to test the shadow/design theory, but stopped abruptly and crouched down to further inspect this curious spot instead.

So glad I did.

It was, indeed, a dooky. A butt bisquit. A Beana berry. A poop!

I suppose it's high time we invested in diapers for Hobbes; she's become quite incontinent in her kitty dotage. Poor poop-dispensing dear.

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