

How does that happen?

I had a very busy weekend. Lots of activity, lots of friends, but very little actual (tangible) work done or progress made.

Bear in mind this is NOT a complaint. I am just amazed with (and maybe a smidge disappointed in) myself for not having gotten much done outside of having fun. And I did have fun, trust me!

Maybe I should stop feeling badly about having spent time with friends doing fun activities, and just relish the fun I had without any guilt whatsoever!

Thank you...I believe I will. So there!

Maria and I went to the Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild show Sunday afternoon and walked it, shopped it, examined it and commented on it - learning things about technique, about our (my) own skills, and the importance of planning, just from viewing other's offerings. I am more pleased than ever in my own skills; with the care I take in seaming perfection, matching points and seams, and generally producing a very high quality every time I sit at my machine.

And my FMQ is pretty darned good, too.

I guess I was somewhat underwhelmed with the works hanging in general, both in quantity and in quality. For as large as that guild is (purportedly), there was a small representation of quilting prowess in evidence. The gems were few and far between, and when we found one, it was worth the extra time to stop and soak it in. Sometimes we were right on top of it examining the way it went together, or the mediums used.

BUT, the main thing was that Maria and I managed to get together in one place, and have some fun catching up and sharing laughs.

Thank you for sharing your day with me, Maria - and for lunch!

Saturday was spent giggling and shopping - sort of. Brian needs new work pants, and I am searching for a few more summer tops to wear to sweat through the remainder of the hot weather to come. Karl also needed another pair of cooler bedtime pants, and maybe a short sleeved Oxford to bum around in when he goes out...but he would have none of it.

Jean, Barb and I high-jacked boy jr., but had little success all the way around.

We did a bunch of driving but really didn't land much in the way of booty. However, Karl did learn an invaluable lesson about poking mom in the head and back repeatedly.

Thank you, NCIS.


We did make it to one store Karl enjoys traipsing through - Trader Joes. (whew) Now stocked up with enough lemon and cracked pepper noodles to last a little while.

On another note, I need a haircut (and so does Karl), so that will be something to tackle this week. One of many items on the agenda.

How is your week stacking up?

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