

Rest in peace, Mr. Griffith

When I heard the news I was gobsmacked - how could Sheriff Taylor be gone?

Ah, well, he lived a fairly long life, did a lot of good for a lot of needful folks during his lifetime, and was a good man by-and-large. Reports are he always tried to make a difference in people's lives by showing the ideal way of life, and by paying attention to the roles he chose in films and on television over his career.

Andy Griffith will be indelibly etched into our collective conscience - especially for those who grew up in the black-and-white era of TV - when Mayberry RFD was fresh and sweet, and exactly where you wanted to grow up when you were a kid.

The world is a sadder place for having lost him, but Mr. Griffith's reruns will endure for many lifetimes to come.

Now tell me you aren't whistling the intro tune to that show. :)

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