

Days like this

I really should get rolling into more productive activities, but I just can't seem to shake this blase' feeling.

There's no reason for me to be bored, I have plenty to do, so that can't be 'it'.

Perhaps it's simply the heat - the oppressive, morbidly hot, highly unwelcome, sticky, relentless, disgusting, uncommon, inexhaustible heat.

Late last night it was still 83* - well after lights out - when it dawned on me that there was another smaller oscillating fan in storage. I quickly hustled to the garage and snagged it from the shelf; dusted it off and handed it to Karl to use in his room.

Despite two windows (and an under-sized ceiling fan), the air was as still as a corpse in his room - and that bothered me in that way in which only a mom can be bothered, you know?

Well, I think he finally managed to get comfortable at some point and drift off...with no help from that scrounged oscillating fan! That's right - it didn't work! After all of the finagling and cleaning and maneuvering, the darned thing was useless! We ended up moving the floor fan into his room and aiming it at the bed for the night. That did the trick.

And the broken oscillating junior you ask.......

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