

Clean up

Last night's dinner consisted of the leftover salmon, cut up and tossed into a pan of white sauce made with evaporated milk, chevre' cheese and herbs, and lightly sauteed onions and peas. All of that was ladled over Trader Joe's lemon and cracked pepper noodles.

[grunty-sigh] It was delicious! The perfect meal to end a perfect weather day.

Happiness on a plate! [sigh]

MEOW! [covered in grey velvet fur and wide green saucers for eyes]

It's early enough this morning, yet (now that fall is closer than ever, and the earth has shifted on its winter axis) that the sun hasn't begun to beam over the roof line to the edge of the porch, but Cleo doesn't know that. She can't be convinced to wait patiently, and wants what she wants - NOW. Wants what she has become accustomed to over the last four months - that after-breakfast sojourn to the "out" and her sunny spot in the grass, to roll and loll and eat and sniff the air and listen.

"Not yet," we tell her, but she trots to the door and waits; nose pressed to the seal, ears pricked and feet at the ready. If we don't move in her direction, she'll turn and give us the mournful meow, and that look.

The "I-don't-understand-what-you-don't-understand-why-aren't-we-outside-yet?-have-you-forgotten-how-to-open-the-door?" look.

It'll be at least three hours before the sun has reached the perfect position and dried her spot on the lawn enough to lie in, but you can't tell her that.

I want the "out", mom. Please. [blink]

Today will be warmer (as will tomorrow), in the mid-eighties say the weather weenies. Then, by weeks' end the temps will dip back into the seventies once more. YEA! Cool evenings and mildly temperate days - that's all I need. All I want, really; so I guess I can (sort of) empathize with the pup. [blink]

Today will consist of more cleaning up (a continuation of the past few days), de-cluttering, and bill paying. Perhaps a little more checkbook balancing, to boot!

Oh! [squeal of delight]

Dare I dream of it? Shall I utter it aloud?

Maybe even a bit of furniture reorg?

[squeal number two]

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we. Let's keep our heads, woman! 'One foot in front'...and all of that rot.


Clean up on aisle three!

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