


There seems to be a lot of reminiscing going on with the blog entries over the past couple of days. Lots of hits on pieces going back to the creation of the blog - and the early years.

Julie Gaydos, are you looking for photos of yourself to post on FB? LOL You should know I ended up erasing a lot of them about a year ago (of everyone) from those SHS days - and I most likely will eliminate several more shortly.

You really should get yourself a camera (or a friend with a camera) and take more up-to-date pictures anyway. Quit living in the past. ;)


Turns out it probably wasn't Julie looking into those really old posts to find photos of herself for FB.


So, whoever you are....HELLO! Do you have any questions about anything thus far?; please don't hesitate to leave them as a comment. Or, simply send an email, and I will get back to you fairly quickly.

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