

Just a couple of disjointed things

Yeah, I know. "What's new?"


Last night was a little nippy, as sleeping weather goes (if you like sleeping with the windows open), but because it never really got too warm in the house yesterday I had the windows closed, and had considered whether or not to set the furnace to a low temp and have it on standby - just in case.

As the temps fell through the low sixties by nine o'clock, and then well on into the low fifties by bedtime, I made the decision to set the furnace at a cool 66*F (knowing that the thermostat and the furnace are about two degrees off from one another).

I reasoned that by the time the interior temp of the house would have reached the mid-sixties (if it did) the furnace would keep it in our comfy summer sleeping range.

What I failed to remember about our little program-able thermostat was that there were four timed settings that needed to be overridden, and when I adjusted the temp at 10PM, that didn't mean it would still be in force at 7AM, when the program jumps to 71*F.


I awoke to the sound of the furnace, rumbling and blowing, heating the house from whatever temp it had fallen to, to our balmy seventy-one degree setting.

Well, if nothing else, the cats really appreciated it. There was purring going on all over the place as they scrambled for kitty-happy heat vents!

To make matters worse, I then turned on the news to scope out the amended forecast for today, only to learn we were to experience high seventies (nearly 80*) today, and here I was essentially jumpstarting the warmup! So, I switched off the furnace then flicked on the attic fan to cool us off for the inevitable warm up!

What a rube! In a flash I sent the interior temp back to 66*F! (I despise you, Con$umers Power)

The other item is simply this:

Have you ever tried the Kroger brand rice cakes? They are delicious, and a bit less expensive for the quantity and quality. We especially love the "Yogurt & Berries" and the "Caramel" flavors! Give them a try, you won't be disappointed.

The hard part is to not love them until the bag is empty (in one sitting).

OK, I am outta here. Still cleaning and purging, and balancing those darned accounts....but I can see the end of the tunnel approaching! Next up, shifting furniture!!!

Have a good day, whatever you're doing.

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