

What the hey?!!?

Why is the Motor City being dragged into this?  I dunno, but here is one rather snarky Detroit-inclusive comment left on the blog of a person named Terry Sawyer:
"Hey Corcoran, may I suggest you check out Detroit sometime. It has everything you're looking for in a "dream city." Or maybe Cleveland.  Or wherever. Just please NEVER come back." -- ERRXN.

Totally unsure of what this is all about, except I did read the two verbal-fisticuffs rants of Terry Sawyer (respondent) and ['something']Corcoran (hang on...I'll go look again.  OK, so it's Michael Corcoran) -- yellow-page journalist with nothing to do, apparently, but incite trouble. 

As I began to say, I read the two inciting quips and retorts for incite and found I would have been better off cleaning out the cat box to pass my time.  Sorry, Terry.

It seems our Mr. Sawyer took umbrage with an article penned by this Corcoran fella some time back, regarding the later's attitude of woes (in spades) surrounding the seemingly lackluster condition of Austin, TX. [did ya follow that?] 

So, Sawyer blogged a response (or two) slamming Corcoran's diatribe (and Corcoran), then things seemed to take a nasty turn, each responding - and responding again - to the other's reactionary poo-slinging.This was months ago, and quite frankly, it appears the Corcoran fella is a little disgruntled (and well off the mark) in assuming Sawyer was aiming to make a name for himself by generating a stink using Corcoran as fodder for a well-read 'blogicle.' 

See, from what I can tell, Sawyer already has a following and didn't need to dress-down Corcoran for more notoriety; but he (TS) did dispatch the windbag (MC) ably, to my Austin-ignorant eyes, and to that end I salute Mr. Sawyer.

However, I read through the comments to Sawyer's initial response, only to find Detroit included in a rather derogatory and unkind backlash-sort-of comment (included above).  So, hopefully this all explains my early blog for the day. 

While we have our (many) issues here in the Great Lakes state (starting and ending with the crap-headed gov), please refrain from using (and abusing) us in what is most definitely a southern boy brawl.  We aren't hurling northern and mid-western epithets at you boot wearers, please try and play nicely with us northerners, why don't ya.

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