

Everybody say "oopsy"

If you read here periodically you may remember that one of our cats has had health issues pertaining to her urinary system.

Cleo (Brian's cat) has had struvite crystals (akin to kidney stones), which was always an odd coincidence since Brian has had (and continues to be plagued with) stones.

At any rate, over the last year - give or take - Cleo has run into another issue, which we've managed to hurdle as a family on those 'crappy' occasions.  She becomes blocked (not constipated), and when that happens, our first warning of a bumpy day to come begins with her violent vomiting and extremely hot ears; continual, fruitless trips to the cat box; quiet whimpering; butt crawling; malaise; straining and dripping butt mud. 

It's a long road for her, but it finally culminates in a large stool or two.

We try to keep her cordoned in a small area and we line the floor with layers of newspapers.  We supply a small, make-shift cat box for her mental comfort, and keep her company and give her support when the going becomes extra rough.  When she begins to leak wet stool ("dripping butt mud"), I clean her bum after each try at evacuating stool - for this I am licked furiously, but lovingly.  Eventually, she is able to go.

She won't accept milk, and rarely drinks water while having an episode.  It's a wait-and-see ordeal, usually resulting in positive results anywhere from four to six hours after it begins.

She very recently had one of these bouts and I read online where a vet recommended a small amount of Metamucil be added to water and/or food to help 'grease the wheel.'  So, we rushed to the store and bought our girl a small supply, and hours later (after adding it to very wet canned food), plop went the weasel!  It was also suggested that canned pumpkin or mineral oil be added to the diet on a fairly regular basis.   Well, one of these will be added right away to keep her from suffering like this again.

We were so relieved for her that I lay down on the sofa with Cleo and we took a catnap.  However, before we closed our eyes, I neglected to pick up the small container of Metamucil-spiked water, and I awoke to the sounds of one of the other cat lapping at the water!


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