


Has it really been forty years since the network premiere of the best television show EVER!?

40 years!

During its illustrious and storied run, M*A*S*H* won no fewer than 14 Emmys and 8 Golden Globes! Not many shows can boast of such a tremendous record. Fewer still even come close to either of those credentials! Eat your fake hearts out, you producers of "reality" TV.

Oh, how I miss the "four-oh-77th" and those wonderful characters. The writing was clever - even when heavy-handed - and the acting and direction were brilliant.

And what a cast!

Time for a M*A*S*H*-athon, dear friends. Meet me in front of the telly tomorrow and we'll hunker down for a good long time.

September 17, was a very good year.

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