

Cooties're everywhere!

Got home a little while ago, after having spent the morning teaching the last of a 2-part class for children (making a stuffed animal pillow.  But not stuffed with real animals...that'd be cruel).

If you'd been looking in you would have noticed that these girls spent a good deal of time mining their noses instead of working at the project on the tables before them.  Every time I turned around one of 'em had a finger strategically placed up a nostril.  I was terrified to touch anything they had been working with, knowing full well I was going to draw back a handful of snot locker gems - whether they were of the crunchy or slimy variety.

I was squibbed out....feeling squiffy....nauseated....grossed out to the max....wishing I had rubber gloves.

I offered each one of them, in turn, a tissue - NOT the same tissue, mind you, and each declined saying they didn't need one.  Are you kidding me?! 

I just caught you (all) picking your noses, and you don't need a tissue!?!?  Are you sure you don't need one?  Do you WANT one?

The answer is:

On the way home I drove to Kroger to return a brand new package of Thomas' Bagels, that amazingly were covered in mold!  Yup.  MOLD everywhere.  The sell by date on the packaging stated February why are they moldy so soon?  I dunno.  I only know (and cared) about getting the refund.

Stopped into a Little Caesars to pick up a pizza for Karl and myself to enjoy as a quick lunch-like treat.  No cooking for me, and Karl would be satisfied and happy for a good long while (at least, that is, until dinnertime rolls around).  Hey, five bucks for a pie is a deal!

The young man greeting me as I stepped through the 'za-hole door was clearing his throat and complaining about it feeling scratchy "and sorta like it's getting sore."  [insert Home Alone scream here] 

Instead of high-tailing it out the door (as I probably should have) I told him to go home and rest and drink LOTS of non-alcoholic fluids, along with taking an Airborne right away, and taking doses of cranberry tablets. Not juice, but capsules/pills/tablets.  Ignore the label suggesting it's good for preventing/treating urinary tract infections, and start taking them with every meal and at bedtime.  Works like a charm, especially so if you begin when the slightest irritations show themselves.

For the mommying advice we were rewarded with a buttered and Parmesan-covered crust on our pizza!  It was extra delish!  But, now I think I need to go take some Airborne and cranberry supplements.

Ish.  :^b

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