

Uh-huh, that's right

Yes, I expounded on how I like my hot dogs prepared - what did you want me to write about?

Oh! What did you want me to write about? You know who you are. [squinty eyes in your direction]

OK, here you go.

Cleo was due for a hard day in the evacuating department.  That is to say, her ears were exceptionally hot, she was making frequent trips to the box - and straining - but yielding nothing beyond urine.  Yup, she was going to have one of 'those' days.

As much a hassle as it is for me when she is blocked, for her, it is tiring and excruciating and horrendous....and about 600 additional shitastic-ly colorful descriptives which would all mean rotten and uncomfortable.

I was settling in and mentally preparing for the familiar long poo day when mom called. 

While I was on the phone with mom, Karl came to the staircase to announce that he had wanted to go to the bathroom but that Cleo had 'used' the bathroom first - and had left a dash-and-a-dot and a puddle on the bathmat!


For those of you thinking "ew," this is a crisis averted.  Be happy for 'the pup.'  Her ears are cool and she is relaxed and chatty, so sincere prayers are answered. 

Thank you, Lord.

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