

What a difference a day makes

Yeah - if you're "of a certain age," I'll just bet you're actually humming the tune....right?

No harm, no foul. ;)

It's currently snowing - that light, glittery, icy crud - and the weather weenies are prognosticating another fairly good storm for our area come Tuesday.  They're saying this will be the worst snowfall for us to date (for this season, at any rate), and I suppose given that we completely missed having a winter last year - and the fact that our accumulated totals of precipitation this year are still off the mark (and given that other areas of the nation have had significant amounts of snow delivered on a regular basis) - we have gotten off pretty easily.

The temps have been abhorrently cold, but it is winter after all, so donning another sweatshirt to keep the chill at bay is alright by me.  We at least have electricity, walls with insulation, a roof over our heads, a working furnace, and groceries at the ready, complaints from this quarter.

Well, then (you wonder), what difference did "twenty-four little hours in a day" make?

It is Sunday.

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