Other than that, I have nothing.
Oh, and yes, I have three boyfriends, and one pseudo BF. They are all creatures you wouldn't normally find on your friendly neighborhood grocery shelf...unless you had a really good grocer with a keen eye and a fantastic budget, but they are nutritious, delicious, and (probably) don't taste just like chicken.
Ah, but who cares!? If I want chicken I'll go see the colonel.
I may end up having to move my original BF to "pseudo" status, and move the current PBF to the major league.
Pity. I luvs me original BF to death, but he is married, and all I can permit myself are lusting privileges anyhow (thank you, Jimmy Carter).
Watch Castle, Monday nights @ 10pm on ABC!!
Quick update on the spring cleaning/purging: The library is now nearly 100% useable as a quiet area and editing room, and free of most of the cumulative debris. Still need to get the last of the trim up and do some spot mending and painting, but for the most part it's looking good! Also need to get a few more shelves made for the bookshelves - never were enough of those to go around, and every shelf is at maximum capacity now because of the initial shortage.
The living room, however, took a major hit when I began in earnest to clean the library, so I have to make myself divide my time between the two rooms and put away / throw away / give away the things of consequence or no consequence and just get it done!
All the while I think about the sewing I want to do, and the clothes I need to make. Aargh! That just makes it harder. [Sniff] I need a job outside the house.
Oh, and the post production team for All's Faire In Love has been calling quite regularly - it began with a couple of errant calls from Cynthia about names for the credits, and now has blossomed to almost daily calls or emails from LV (Cynthia has gone AWOL and never passed along the info I sent) for a lot of the same info and an additional odd list of names, ie; "Two Lesbians," "Knife sharpening guy," etc. I kid you not. You can't make this stuff up, folks.
Enjoy your time, no matter what you are doing.
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