

Welcome back!

Well, that last entry seemed all over the place, didn't it? Today, Karl is feeling much improved (thank you for asking), and while he missed his Java class yesterday, he is still working at making up the missing assignments from before. Now, he will have to do a lot of work just to make up for yesterday, too.

As the boys have gotten older, I am surprised at how mom-like I still become when they are sick, and how much they want to be a little less coddled through it all. Brian is the hardest to watch. He fights throwing up, and Karl just rides the wave and makes it look easy. Brian requires a little more attention and TLC, and Karl just 'hangs ten', only really asking for something when he feels a need.

Change is good, right? Change is growth. Change is scary.

Changing subjects...sort of.

So, yesterday was spent cleaning, watching Karl, cleaning, moving stuff, checking in on Karl, editing photographs in preparation for the family project I want to get done for Gram's birthday, keeping after AT&T about our internet access troubles, and helping Karl get his PC into his room (and a desk to put it on, and the wiring, etc). Turns out the idiot electricians didn't connect Karl's lines to the network for the rest of the house - how do they do (or NOT do) that?!?!!! [Insert extreme amount of expletives here] I am not surprised, but I am not happy, and there is no recourse after all of this time. To be able to get Karl access, we will have to invest in a wireless set-up for him. Jeez!

This is just one of the projects for today. I will also keep working on cutting the original scans into usable individual photos for the edit. [Insert Boris Karloff-inspired scream here] Last night, when I called it quits for the day, I had amassed just under one hundred individual pics from the mass of gang scans - but I finished 2 of 24 files - so YEA me! This is going to be time-consuming, but I truly believe I would have killed the scanner if I had scanned each photo individually for storage/use. Anyway, it keeps me going with something to work on besides just skimming for job postings and sending out resumes and feelers. This is giving me some sense of accomplishment, and once I order the Adobe tool I need, I will be in business. Baby steps, baby.

Monday, I will be meeting with Andrew (director/producer) and Brian K (producer/whatever) to discuss first shoot schedule and shot ideas for the TV pilot, and hopefully have real work within the week! They are using a legit post prod house in the D for the editing, so this looks like it stands a chance. Wahoo!

Next week will also be the last week for the BQT production for the year. No more sound tech unless I get a boom gig on a production. I will be keeping you up to date.

Karl is on the far left, next to Owen Benjamin!

As for the movie - All's Faire In Love - the release time is now slated for fall. Can't give the exact date (I promised), but it is looking like a movie! Have been working remotely tracking down and providing names to the producers and Scott Marshall (the director) since the early part of the month, but it looks like they are through with those requests, and I am putting away the papers and files (AGAIN) I collected throughout the production, just to get the mess out of the house. Apparently the casting bimbo I worked with has been remiss in passing on the info I was giving her, and the Executive Producer's assistant suggested to the CA crew that I could fill in the holes, since I was with the extras and BG all the time and handled all of the skins (except for two days worth). Cynthia (afore named bimbo) has yet to work with them and is not fulfilling her duties as a producer, it seems. Also, she has been removing my name from the IMDB listing every time I place it out there. What a dweeb!

That's OK, she can't remove it from the film credits! HA! I am sort of flattered she seems threatened by sharing the billing...she is a back-stabber and a throw-someone-under-the-bus-sort-of-person. I learned a lot working with her - mostly how to watch your back and be prepared. That industry is harsh!

Anywho...I am going to get moving, the day is getting away from me, and I have a lot to do.

Before I go, let me just say "Hello, Evelyn"...I didn't see you slip in the door. I have a registered reader - holy cow! Psst! Mostly it's just sheepish friends and relatives who read my missives in darkened rooms. You are a brave soul to come out and admit it! ;^) Thanks for the interest, and I hope I make it worth your while! You will find my glass is almost always half full - and if I could find the doggone bottle, I will fill the sucker! Glad to have you riding the magic carpet with us once in a while.

OK everyone, play nice and be happy.

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