
3.21.2009 was certainly a day

One I could have done without; yet, one that I am glad to be done with. Grateful, in fact, to be rid of it (nearly). A few more moments and it will be a memory.

Yesterday was hectic, harried, horrible. Not the sort of day I usually associate with the first day of spring. By late, late in the afternoon, I was at my wit's ends and simply fried. Tears were the result of a culmination of mishaps and misdeeds. Bad decisions made months ago finally found their way home (thanks to rows of neatly laid breadcrumbs), where they then knocked on my door, invited themselves inside, clamoured up my pant leg and bit me squarely on the ass.

Add to that the changes to well-established plans and the burden of no work on the gloomy MI horizon, and I was looking for a dark corner to curl up in.

Then, today dawned and I spent several hours in line and with an accountant to get my taxes done. Holy cow! (I was never more glad to be number one in my life!) With that there was good news and not so good news, but it wasn't as dreadful as it could have been, so while I am relieved to be done with the dirty deed, I am still overwhelmed by what has yet to be done.

Could stand to win the lottery - not a super huge pot, but a modest amount could really go a long way to make reparations and ease woeful thoughts.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with a producer and his partner, and I am being invited to join a documentary project and a pilot project - although what my role(s) will be remains to be revealed. All should be discussed tomorrow, and I pray that either one of these will pay, and be something worth putting on the old resume.

Here's wishing you a good Sunday.

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