

Tomorrow is officially SPRING!

It's just about time to take the packets of forced cold seeds out of the fridge and get all of the little darlings in some soil! Remember, I put a bunch into the fridge several weeks ago to fake the whole hibernation/germination thing? Sure you do.

This weekend, or into next week, I will take the packets out and begin the process - and the weather is looking good, too!!!!

Still have a tremendous amount of work to do prepping the beds for the plants, but there is enough time to do both. Just making myself get outside and beginning is the thing. The task for that end of it is daunting, though, because of my lackluster attempts last year. [Wagging the finger of shame in my own face]

And the yard is overrun by thistles, so maybe today or tomorrow I will spread some weed killer, and then buy some NEW weed-n-feed and cast that in another week. Hopefully it will have some good effects.

Think happy thoughts, I need all the help and positivity I can get - and a job!!!

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