

In process

Everything seems to be in process. Even events and markers in time concerning future employment, possible $ aide for classes from the [cough cough] state agencies, SSI for Karl, and on and on, are all "in process."

That's their fancy way of not saying "no" but not having to admit things are FUBAR, and useless, and stalemated - not to mention helplessly knotted in their unique paperwork-choked system. [Oh, well, that last little bit seems to be more regarding the agencies assisting Karl - riiiiight. NOT!] I swear, the size of their broom is enormous, and they could sweep a semi under a carpet...if you get my meaning.

Even at home, things I want to do - to accomplish around the house (improvements-wise) - are in such a state of incompleteness. Always in process. Not in flux - flux would mean progress...and I haven't seen much of that around my home. I's my home, so the complaints are against myself. :^P

Everything is so topsy-turvy and just wrong, and it feels like I can never get anything to run the right direction. I have too many projects in too many states of whatever, and it is chaos when things are at odds.

All the smaller things that need doing I have promised myself I will tackle, one by one until they are done. Like the lower level floor and the repairs to the library walls. The insulation holes in the boys' rooms and then the painting and replacing of their doors. Even their closets need work, and the bathroom needs some patching and painting. The jobs are growing in scale, and i haven't even mentioned the necessary gardening, yet. Argh!

Shamefully, I haven't managed to even carve out the time to re-caulk - as I promised myself I would do the beginning of this month. So, when I get home, that will be the first thing I do, and then...who knows. Oh wait, nope, I need to get things together for that baby shower on the following Saturday. And then there are the two Karl meetings to get to. Everything in the middle of everything else.

How did I manage to get this stuff done when I had a full time job?

Maybe I didn't.

For now, another project in process is the "homework" assigned Saturday during the first part of the Production Management workshop I am attending in Ann Arbor. I still have to get 137 scene breakdown sheets completed before returning to A2 on the 20th. Yes! 156 pages of written work...yea! So far, I am doing very well, but my perfectionism is getting in the way. I am finding so many inconsistencies in the dialogue and the descriptions, and the settings...that i have made up a whole other page with questions for Kathryn, in order to find out how to deal with such things when I have this job and they come up. Oh, these errors will come up...writers are so haphazard with consistent behavior. Maybe a more positive way to say it is: writers are so consistently incomplete and haphazard.

There you go, was that better?

Got to get back to the grind, my sitting at the keyboard is holding up my process.

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