

It's been two days

Two days since I last got online. Oh! and two days since I last touched a PC. I went to the workshop, returned to Gram's and checked email, then that was it. I vegetated for two days, and did it without a computer.

It was actually sort of liberating, but I am back today.

Yesterday was a "snow day" - it turns out all schools in Oakland County were closed - and in other counties as well, but since we live in Oakland Co...

Karl had to be at a meeting by ten o'clock to sign forms for a new program to take part in, and the driving was sheer crap! Even Karl was white-knuckling it at times. It improved only slightly after we had returned to town and exited the grocery store. We stocked up and then some, expecting a full day of snow, with more on the way today.

Hey, if we don't need to go out, then why not hunker down? And we sure don't need to get out of the house for any reason.

I made beef stew last night, and it was received by my fine young cannibals with a good deal of gusto. Made dumplings, too, which were greedily scooped up - good thing I doubled the recipe. LOL Should've doubled the stew recipe as well, but I didn't think the old cast iron Dutch oven was large enough to accommodate that much of anything.

Next time, I will start with two pounds of stew meat, plain and simple.

We picked up lunch meat and deli cheese, too, and Karl grabbed a long loaf of French bread for a supersized sub sandwich. We will make that today for lunch, or maybe dinner, with plans for a homemade pizza and a large yummy salad.

Yes, I had them thinly slice about half-a-pound of a large pepperoni, and Karl was drooling as the woman piled it on the scale for weighing.

He relly began to get into the whole shopping thing when we rounded the corner and I told him to pick out a few donuts! Besides crowds, he dislikes making decisions, and being overwhelmed with choices (even with something as simple as picking out donuts) can be a hard and frustrating thing for him. But he did it with some effort, and we moved on to the next few things on our list.

We made it up the hill to the house without incident (happily), but the driveway proved to be a hurdle for Brian's car. After negotiating our way over the snow ruts at the street, we finally backed up to the front door and quickly unloaded the groceries into the house (I know - I need to get room for at least one car again inside the garage).

Once indoors, I refused to don my boots and sweater for another forray into the new winter wonderland yesterday. Today, however, is another story, and in a little while, I do intend to go outside with a son or two and have at the snow, which is about 7" deep. And it's the heavy stuff, too, so the intent is to clear enough to get in and out of the driveway (should the plows ever make it down our street), with a little wiggle room to go around the car for getting in and out of the doors. The rest can be done little by little. Since we are still seeing snowfall, I am not in any big hurry to get the whole driveway done at once.

I'm not crazy (I just act that way). Besides, I have stuff to get done which is FAR more important than snow distribution and removal, and I have already lost two days out here on the internet!

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