

Last day of February

What a horrendous month, and I don't think very many people would disagree with me on that point.

It is fact, and it is true.

I think the brightest moments were those of elation as survivors from the Haitian earthquake were pulled from rubble weeks after the initial quake and devastation.

Those moments were true miracles, not to be triffled with, dismissed off-handedly or trivialized. Think of the things that had to be lined up for those people to survive so long in dire circumstances, under less than deplorable conditions and against all odds. God orchestrated something wonderful time after time in order to give us all hope.

There were some low moments, and stressful situations at home (regarding the nation, not as an individual) and abroad.

My own personal low points aren't even a hill of beans or grains of sand compared to the tribulations around the world.

No complaints today. None.

Sure, I would love for things to improve regarding work (or the lack thereof), but this will happen over time, and as I apply myself in broader directions and begin searching again in earnest. I need to shake the dust of disappointment and trepidation off and move forward. I have been slow moving and ineffectual lately on my own behalf, thinking I am supposed to be where I am in order to learn something or appreciate something more than I have been.

I have learned more about myself - especially lately - and that has made me open my eyes to greater possibilities and a desire to reach further knowing I am not as limited or inadequate as I had lead myself to believe.

I am ready for a new month. I am ready for a new me and a fresh road to travel.

It may be the last day of February, but it is the newness of what lies ahead that keeps me from looking back and wondering how it passed so quickly. I won't miss it and neither should you.

1 comment:

Jwilson said...


(where is the "like" button?) :-p