

Just read a whole Sunday paper!

That never happens as early as Tuesday. Never! For as much time as you would think I have to accomplish such a feat each and every week....yeah, not-so-much.

I got through the entire thing, and put aside the comics to take back home for Karl, and paged through each of the sale inserts for the most pertinent stuff...AND finished the first of two Sudoku puzzles!

When I get home at the end of the weekend, I will have three new papers to read stacked up and ready for me to try and find the time.

Of course, those will be stacked on top of the pile from the last time...because I can't get rid of them before they have been read. I just can't!

I paid for them. They were left for me (sometimes in puddles or in snow drifts along the driveway; sometimes flattened by Brian's car before being rescued from their landing spot in my yard), and I am duty-bound to read them.

So, read them I will! Wish me luck.

Enjoy your Sunday paper...I'll see you in the funny papers.

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