

Before the day gets away from me completely

It was another long day, mostly because I awoke much earlier than I needed to.

Very sad.

I made good use of the early roll call though, (well, most of it) by heading outdoors to continue cleaning up the havoc culled from the garden previously, and even found the determination to haul out my shovels, pitchfork, work gloves and assorted props and smaller trimmers to eradicate more of the invasive greenery.

I even spent time staking up the now mature peonies with supports a bit more stable (and in proportion to) the plants. Several of them had managed to pry the pyramidal structures - which have been in place for 4 years - right out of the ground, so that the supports were hanging uselessly from the new growth (several inches off the ground!). The largest of the 6 peony bushes is over four feet tall, with a rather wide spread, and I was surprised (but not disappointed) to find the bushes void of ants. I hope that is not a bad sign.

I released a dear old poppy from its strangled and shady position under a mound of raspberry canes and dandelions. Plucked no fewer than 40 miniature Maple tree spouts of various sizes. Transplanted two small Lupine (actually, they're dug out and in a container, waiting for their final resting place). There are now five fewer volunteer trees (of what species I have no idea) in the bed, and I still have another six to eight feet to go!

Oh, and let's not forget the awful condition of the Forsythia - that will be whacked and hacked down to the ground. If I could get rid of it, I would. It has been an unruly mess since my first spring in this house, ten years ago. It requires constant trimming and monitoring or the suckers and branches get too out of hand before you know it.

Once the front bed is under control, I can then turn my attention to the poor old back patio. [sigh] What a chore that is going to be. The soil is nowhere near as rich, so the digging will be tougher, and there are countless thistles to deal with as well. Ugh.

Tomorrow is day four already of the Script Supervisor class, and we are moving at a brisk pace. I am tired but excited, but I am too tired to remain awake to squawk about it, so details will have to wait until Friday or Sunday. I have an impending quiz to study for, and a good deal of homework to get through for several target turn-in dates.

So, until another time....enjoy the lovely weather heading our way, and make the best use of your time.

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