

One more thing

Wouldn't you know it...

The resident 'evil mouse' in the garage decided to perpetrate a criminal act, and gnawed through the pull start cord of the lawn mower, next to the handle. When Brian decided to mow the lawn yesterday afternoon (or rather, attempted to start the mower), the handle on the pull start cord snapped off in his hand with the first tug!

In frustration, Brian 'tossed' the handle towards the open garage door - now we have to find where it landed to see if we can simply re-attach it, or if we need to pay someone to install another.


I can't help but think that it's weird for the mouse to chew that particular item after all these years, but even weirder for it to climb and decide to chew right at that know what I mean? Do you see where I'm going with this? Do you catch my drift?

Aw, nuts, anyway!

I was happy to find the lawn mowed, however. Thank you, Brian. [hug you very much]

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