

Where does the time go?

I have been up to my assets in this Script Supervision class, either working on assignments or reading...or sleeping or driving to/from. There has been no time to get outside and finish up the trim job clean up I began a week ago, nor has there been any time to begin working on the back beds. Holy smokes do I want to get back to it!

I have been stealing time in the early hours to shepherd my little seedlings through this incredibly hot weather, and I did take about a half hour on Tuesday to transplant the larger cosmos from their crowded sections to private cells where other seeds did not errupt - I just couldn't stand it any more. So far, so good, the transplant-ees are doing fine. I should be able to get them into the ground over the weekend, possibly early to mid-next week. Very exciting!

Every time I step into my work boots and play in the soil I feel Grandpa Schaffer very nearby, and I enjoy the time outdoors just that much more. I don't know if he approved of flower gardens as a use of space, but I do know he would have been as tickled as I am to watch the little sprouts develop each new set of leaflets and grow upward toward the sun. Each passing day finds them visably larger and more developed - it's amazing.

There are two sessions left for which I will have to travel south to Ferndale for my class, and now it is really getting interesting. Good news, the instructor, a very well-respected, and busy Scripty for over 30 years, has said she will recommend me for several shorts and small features on the blocks here in MI! So, work! Yea!

More another time, for now, I need to let my eyes close and my brain drain.

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