

Busy, busy, busy

Monday was another damp day. The skies rained down nearly the entire time the sun should have shone, sometimes heavily and other times just sprinkles of little consequence - UNLESS you wanted to hang out laundry.

Of course, there were those 'hours of dryness' when I was away from the house and could do nothing to take advantage of the non-rain periods. Ugh!

I spent the wetter hours cleaning and sorting and tossing, after running errands.

Karl had an appointment with a counselor at OCC regarding class requirements, and hopefully to get an override into a closed class (nope, it didn't happen), and to find out what should next steps be for him? We also stopped by the bank to open his new account closer to home...but found he hadn't enough personal idententification to present to the teller in order to open an account in his own now, accomplishing the creation of his MI identification card is next on every priority list. Sheesh!

Tuesday was a day of travel and moving (again). Jean's youngest daughter is set to come home from MSU for the summer, and as usual, there was quite a bit of stuff to cart from East Lansing to Clio. We got an early start on the day and pulled onto campus right around 9:45am, and were happy to find Barb had a lot of her possessions ready to load into the Suburban. It only took a half dozen trips in and out of the dorm building (for each of us) before the beast was fairly well loaded from ceiling to floor and front to back, and she still had quite a bit to go! LOL Ah, college students. The hope is that the remaining items will fit easily into the back of a normal-sized car when Jean heads to E.L. on Thursday to watch her daughter Carrie be hooded and receive her diploma! Doctor Carrie will be a D.O. by Thursday afternoon, and I think that is grand!

Congratulations to the graduate and her proud mother!

However, you know what this means, right?

Uh-huh, that's it. You guessed it. We now need to move Carrie from her E.L. apartment to her new digs in Kalamazoo! Oh, yeah, and I still need to commit to a vehicle and get it ordered, and the paperwork sent to the bank. How in the world did I control my life when I had a FT job?

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