


Survivors of the massacre!

Monday was the first night of classes for the FIT (Film Industry Training) program I am participating in. It is nearly a two week long workshop/class, but only 40 hours of instruction (well, it's supposed to be 40 hours, however the woman leading the "scripty" program is phenomenal, and wants to give us as much info in as much time as we will take).

I say - bring it, sister!

A "scripty" - or, Script Supervisor - is the person who deals with continuity issues on a film, from preproduction through production. There is a lot I could add regarding the topic, but I will let that go 'til another time. Suffice to say, I love it! This is a positive step and I am excited to be able to take advantage of the training.

Thank you, mom, for believing in me and floating the financial boat for this opportunity. Thank you for your sacrifices and patience and love and faith. I love you more than words can say!

I am rearranging my usual morning routines to accommodate the class hours, and since I need the better part of an hour traveling from home to Ferndale, then the same following (the late) dismissal, and the need for time to study/reading/etc for class, I have decided to make use of the early morning hours and work outside a bit, then move inside for some job searching, then move on to any class work that may have been assigned.

With the new temporary schedule in mind, I began weeding the front flower bed yesterday - it has needed it since before last year and the emergency surgery - the mass of weeds and volunteer trees and raspberries canes has only multiplied and compounded over the past two growing seasons. My lovely poppies and other perennials were on the verge of extinction! And it just looked horrible.

I managed to make quite a huge dent in the mess - as you can see. I will keep at it until I am right with myself and can stand to look at the house once again (without squinting and blurring out the horrible weedy mess that consumed my once splendid flowerbed).

So you may be asking yourself, "where's the terror?" in all of this. Well, simply enough, during class last night a huge, windy thunderstorm moved through, and all I could think of were my seedlings out on the deck, getting blown around or washing away. When I walked out to check on them this morning, everything was alright, and I even had more sprouts peeking out!

But, if you will excuse me, I need to get outside and 'dig in' a little bit more before putting the shovel away for the day. I am reigning terror down upon the ugly weeds in the garden, but the worms love me! I feel like King Kong in work boots. :)

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