

May is heading out the way it came in

I do believe April and May were just a little confused this year. April was warmer and sunnier than in past decades, and May has been decidedly damp.

Currently (for the second time today), there is the most delicious rain falling. A gentle soaking rain, and it's been on the weather radar for several days - touted as "severe thunderstorms" - but we are getting the best (least damaging) part of the storms moving through MI today.

Earlier, a wind picked up and you could watch as the clouds moved in and things grew ominous.

The clouds opened up and it began raining fast, but it didn't last long. Before you could comment on it, or worry about whether to close windows, it was over.

It did rain long enough to wash the humidity level to 'comfortable' and create that lovely after-the-rain smell I live for, and we didn't get the worst of it.

Happily, it was just enough to begin washing the fertilizer into the ground (yea!) and lower the heat index. When it was over, even Karl commented on the change in the temperature. My wonderful poppies began 'popping', and two open blossoms are now bobbing in the slight breeze. There are at least a dozen more pods ready to burst over the next couple of days, and I am as happy as can be! Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to take a photo of the sea of poppies and peonies and post it!

In the distance you can hear the low rumble of occasional thunder - and I can 't tell if it is coming our way or past us already, moving further off. Sometimes the rumble is more like the sound of a distant firework discharging with a pow!, and when that happens the cats wake slightly from their napping positions to crane their necks and look sleepily towards the windows in fear and curiosity.

I am at the desk, with the library window open and the attic fan on, pulling a fantastic breeze through the house. My perch is the best one, as the peonies under the window are in full bloom and the scent fills the air with the loveliest fragrance.

Go ahead, May, rain your rain and and rumble your thunderous self on out of here for another year. We'll see you in eleven short months, and I - for one - will be ready for you.

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