

I am a magician

Good morning!

I went outside this morning - not that long ago - and somehow I managed to make 2 hours disappear [snap!] just like that! And it was the most pleasant part of the day, too. I would much rather see the early part of the day go on forever, and the afternoon evaporate like a puddle under the hot sun than the way a day truly progresses. Alas....

My intentions were to simply get out to the front yard and cast the next dose of weed and feed, trim up a little bit more, and perhaps bag up the remaining scrub taken from the front bed a week ago. All I did was the weed and feed, trimming (heavy duty, more than I intended...and boy, won't the neighbors be speechless/annoyed/wondering how to get even), and some actual weeding (digging, pulling and the like). Oh, yeah, and some transplanting and tying up...stuff that wasn't on the 'list' but really needed doing. Sorry to say, I didn't make a priority of bagging up the large pile of debris culled from the bed last week, but I did move the tarp the mess is on to an area close to the garage door, so when I do get around to it, I can accomplish it simply enough. Then, I won't have to transport the heavy bag all that far across the lawn and risk tearing it.

Of course, knowing that there is a day of thunderstorms in store for tomorrow, you would think I'd have made a priority out of it today. You would, wouldn't you?


I just couldn't make myself take that chore on. It would have been fairly easy...and goodness knows it is necessary to finish.

Don't ask, I don't know why. I can't tell you why I haven't done that spot of clean-up, yet. I can't even tell myself why.

Maybe tomorrow morning...if it hasn't begun raining, yet. If.

Big "if."

I drove home around 8:30pm yesterday from Ferndale. Finally done with the Script Supervisor course; it ended late in the afternoon. Later than advertised and later, even, than we had discussed with the instructor (when she said she would be interested in staying on for an hour or two after the quit time to keep going)! So, we got a lot more than we could have gotten, but there were times when it was laborious...and lots of rushed instruction. I despise rushed instruction.

But, there you are.

I made three truly excellent contacts, and hopefully, an impression on two of them. Randi (the instructor) said she would be recommending me to a working Scripty who needs someone to cover a couple of smaller gigs that she will be relinquishing due to obligations on larger film jobs that coincide! So, yay!!

Those things I will keep you abreast of as I learn more.

As I drove up to the house I could see, in the waning light, something different about the yard, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The grass was shorter, but because Brian had mowed it a day earlier. I left a note on the bathroom mirror with requests of the boys for the day. All normal stuff, weekly chores, nothing unfamiliar or life threatening. I was pleased to learn Brian had weed whacked, as requested, and Karl had worked in the bathroom! Of course the dishes were still stacked in the sink, vacuuming is still a must-do, and the backyard is a jungle...but the list was read and worked on!! A major wahoo!

For now, I am enjoying the rest of my day. I will begin with a shower and then a load or two of wash (hung on the line), and then an evening of games with the boys and friends to celebrate the weekend. I might even be able to squeeze a bit of quilting into that line-up (during the wash cycles), so it looks like an all 'round great day!

I hope you have a wonderful time over this long weekend, and that everyone you care for gets to where they need to be safely. Ciao for now!

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