

I was hoping... post some of Karl's class work here.

Sadly, the blogger program won't upload the bits and pieces from his class work. :( They are mostly Flash projects or .jpgs, or small .mov files...but for some reason the uploads are stalling - and it isn't the sizes of the pieces being uploaded.

Perhaps this weekend I will load the items onto my YouTube account and set up links to them here - then all you need do is click on the link to view them...if you are so inclined.

In other news - it's grey and windy and beginning to look a lot like winter. Brrrr.

Brian's jeep is finally gone; he sold it to a low-balling scrapper, but it is now history as far as we are concerned. The person who bought it paid him cash Friday evening, and then said he'd be back to collect it on Monday - which he did! Bud made grown-up plans to use the cash to pay for his car insurance (for the next couple of months) and to replace his broken phone. Still, his expression was hard to look at, and his attitude was bleak for several days.

Once the vehicles pulled away Monday afternoon, Brian's melancholy grew, but there were pangs of relief mixed in with it all. Life lessons that leave you with a lot of knocks and bruises (and which take a great deal of money besides) are sometimes not easily gotten over. Hopefully, you retain the knowledge and take it to heart and you make better choices down the road. Hoping and praying.

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