

It could have been funny

If she hadn't gone out of her way to actually say I destroyed her first cup of coffee, the whole thing could have been funny.

Instead, she decided to make her own first morning 'jo' - because, as she puts it: "Don't you think I can do anything for myself?" So I opted to brush my teeth.

When I got back out to the kitchen, she was preparing yet another cup of coffee. I asked her if she was having a second cup, but because she didn't "have her ears in" she began to prattle on in incomplete sentences and frustration...finally ending it with "if you had put the creamer where it belonged, it wouldn't have happened."

Yesterday, she shuffled bottles of milk and juice (and all the rest of the stuff on the top shelf in the fridge) around to locate her bottle of water. The 1/2 gallon orange juice container ended up in the front right hand position, where the 1/2 gallon coffee creamer usually goes. Mind you, the door shelf usually holds a smaller (pint or quart-sized) container of 1/2 and 1/2, where it is quick and easy to grab. BUT, this spot was filled by countless bottles of other refrigerated items - and this was my fault.

Her words, not mine.

"If you had just put things where they are supposed to be, you wouldn't have ruined my coffee."

Yeah, I am still smiling, cuz the thought of her trying to drink her coffee with orange juice swapped for creamer is sort of payback enough (in advance).

"I don't want to argue," she said. "I don't want to talk about it any more."

Yeah, except you blamed me for doing something I had nothing to do with, and here's your untaken thyroid pill.

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