


Why does it seem as if I have so much to do and no time to get it done? Despite the well known fact that I haven't a solid 9-to-5 job every day, I seem to be out of time when it comes to getting done those things which so desperately need doing.

I squandered one of the last beautiful weather days driving to visit friends, and now am packing to head to Gram's for the next few days - thus wasting another of the last opportunities available this year to tackle critical needful chores.

I think I am now going to rush to the hardware store and get a can of oil base paint and cover the posts that support the roof over my porch - this has needed doing for the last two years (easily). Despite my desires to PRIME and PAINT THE KITCHEN WALL, and to get ready for the last phase of that whole debacle/improvement, I must do what is most critical.

Another immediate need is to get screen doors installed both front and back. That has to be done whether the weather is compliant or not, so I will be door shopping next week (come hell or high water). Installation will happen at the earliest convenient time when there is no rain - with or without 60* temps!

Scarlett O'Hara, I feel your determination welling up inside me, sister!

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