

Ode to joy

Joy is experiencing the thrill of a Saturday morning theatre - light (almost non-existant) crowds and a $5 movie!

Holy schmoly, why did no one ever tell me how cool (and inexpensive) it is to see a new movie that way?

My boyfriend was splendid, and lovely, and his co-star was pretty darned good, too. Sorry Jean, but Gerard will always be the master of all I survey, and it truly has nothing to do with his striptease and close-on butt shot...and shirtless walk to the car in cuffs and low-slung jeans. Holy cow! and thank you Mr. Director!

Acting can't fake pecks, an incredible six-pack and mmmmmm-yum yum body.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you!

Go see Law Abiding Citizen.

Now, add to that the supreme satisfaction of an MSU win over Northwestern this afternoon (homecoming weekend for the Spartans), and you have a pretty good day. Top it with a nap and peanut butter cookies, and...well, what can you say? A little bit of quilting and the promise of warmer temperatures for tomorrow (maybe the chance to pull some freaking weeds from the once pretty flowerbeds) would be all it takes to turn this wreck of a life around.

Everybody, be well and happy.

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