

Overdue dinner menu

Chicken Pot Pie.

That's what I made for dinner last night because I thought the weather was so appropriate, and my tastebuds were calling out to me.

And wouldn't you know that the weather is about a million times worse today, and chicken pot pie really sounds good. Alas, the boys demolished it last night, and when I looked in the fridge this afternoon, I found a portion left in the container! That's right, one wedge! One!! And Karl just ate it.

Well, I guess their mama can cook, and I should be glad they have good appetites. I am simply surprised that pie didn't last a little longer, it was pretty big.

Handmade crusts, diced potatoes and carrots lightly pan roasted in butter and canola oil. Onions coarsely chopped to sprinkle as a hefty layer over the layer of vegetables and pre-cooked chicken, and a final liberal topping of peas before the seasonings were added and everything went into the oven for about an hour and a half.

Man! I am telling you the smell of that pie baking was enough to make me forget a lot of the rest of yesterday. From time to time I would look over at the girls sleeping on the bed, and Hobbes would lift her little face towards the kitchen and sniff the air. You could see it in her eyes when her gaze met mine...'when is it going to be ready to eat?'

Let's hear it for comfort foods!

For now, I am stuck trying to figure out what we will have tonight. Whatever it is, it is still in the freezer or yet to be conjured from contents of the pantry and cupboards. Now that it is 6pm, it had better become apparent pretty darned quick. Although, Karl has just eaten that last piece of pie, so he should be OK for a while, and Brian is out with friends for the evening - so he is on his own.

Mystery dinner it is, and I am thinking we'll have it on the European timetable, too.

Bon appetit, everyone!

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