

Omens and jinxing

Do you believe in that sort of thing?

Jinxes......and omens, for that matter. Do you put any stock in them? Do you find yourself throwing salt over your shoulder should you accidentally spill some on the dining table? Do you feel compelled to ward of bad mojo and voodoo vibes if somebody else utters the phrase "Oh, that nevers happens to me," or "I haven't choked on a lozenge, yet," (for instance) while laying in bed with a cold?

You beg them to knock on wood to prevent fate from evening the score. But do they?

N-noOooOOOooooOOoooo...of course not. This is the type of person who dares the lightening god to hurl a bolt because they think they are immune to that sort of consequential punishment. So what, they spitefully sneer, if they are standing outside during a hellacious storm, wearing a suit of aluminum suit and proffering a long metal rod to the clouds.

"It's funny and the odds are in my favor...and besides, I am wearing rubber underwear and sneakers. Come get me!" they yell at the sky.

Because that hapless nitwit just provoked the challenge, I now must concern myself with the simple issue of walking down the street with him the next time it begins to rain, and wonder - am I standing too close to this marked man?

Ah well, just a funny thought that has followed me throughout my day since watching a new episode of House last night. Well, that, and I had a dream the other night - one of those repeat dreams where the situations, characters and specifics always come out the same (really weird), and you wake before there is resolution, only to wonder if this is something that will happen in time, and will I make the same choices when it finally does.

I suppose this means I need to add "deja vu" to that opening list as well.

Omens and jinxing and deja vu.

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