

And, in other news

"Black author wins the Matrix copyright infringement case" screams the headline.

After six years, Sophia Stewart will be awarded the largest settlement in Hollywood history, based on the gross receipts of the Matrix series, and the Terminator series - also based on one of her manuscripts. Well, good for her, but does it really require specifying her skin color in the report?

NO, it does not. Within the story it was mentioned that "there have been outside implications as to racial injustice...she does not feel that this is the case." THEN WHY MENTION IT?!?!?

Hey! What color was the judge?

And in other news -

Michigan spent a considerable portion of their federal defense dollars on snocone machines with the reasoning that we would be better prepared to aide the wounded (from a terrorist attack) by making ice packs with the use of the snocone machines.

Geez, I hope they got enough of them and that they are situated in the right locations. Those Ohio subversives to the south (and our shifty Canadian neighbors) could attack at any time!

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