

Let me sew, let me sew, let me sew!

Of course, today it's snowing.

Karl didn't get his white Christmas, but I hope this falling snow will lighten his mood a little - even if it is two days late. And it looks as though this patch of snow will be sticking around a little while, too. According to our weather weenies we are in the 'band' of predicted 2"-6" snowfall.

What does that mean? It means I should've worked more on cleaning out the space in the garage to park in rather than the quilt!

As for the quilt, it is coming along. Finished top stitching the toughest area - the center - and now I am branching out to the wide open spaces of the top, bottom, and left and right sides. [smirk] If you don't quilt you wouldn't know, but the stitching at the center of the quilt is the most difficult (as you can imagine), and as you work your way out to the edges, it becomes infinitely easier - but that only makes sense, right? My particular selection for this portion of the quilt was a little more involved and detailed, making the work that much more time consuming and difficult - but it was so very worth the effort!

That said, now that I am working my way out from the center, and adding my other objects to the overall scheme, I am finding myself far less enamoured of my choices for the background work. Doesn't that just figure!?!

Brian survived the retail onslaught of the twenty-fourth, enjoyed a delightful day with nowhere to go, and then worked the day after Christmas. He came home last night relatively unscathed from the retail twofold nightmare (A.K.A. "the day AFTER Christmas). Between the returns (which he said were relatively light) and the stupidity of customers demanding to know where they could find sold out Christmas merchandise, it wasn't a bad day. They closed $3000 above the expected total for the day. Always a good thing.

Oh, and it turns out Bud had also managed to contract whooping cough from some infected child of a ne'er-do-well parent/customer who probably figured they could skip getting their kid vaccinated! So, the coughing/vomiting (among other symptoms) he's been experiencing the last week-and-one-half weren't just a rough side effect of some bug he caught from me. Nope, he was really sick.

Hey, parents! Get your children vaccinated - you @zzhole$!

He is feeling much better and the coughing is abating day by day. He hasn't vomited after a coughing fit in the last two days, and he has said his breathing is easier, he feels less congested and his ears have drained! Thank God.

Now my chief concern is to get Karl to the doctor and get him checked and update his booster. He certainly does not need to come down with whooping cough. After last year's late summer episode of myopericarditis, I think he's entitled to a pass for a long time.

Anyhow, it's time to get back to the sewing table. I have a lot to get done before I can submit it for entry in time for the fast-approaching quilt show deadline.

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