

Counting my blessings

Family and friends are a blessing.

Nice people are a blessing.

Kind people are a blessing...and sometimes (if you're lucky) these three components are wrapped up in the visage of one person.

If I were a prize fighter, I would have to count myself one of the luckiest people in the universe. There are folks in my corner who help me 'train,' help me stay on task, tend to my wounds and training injuries, and those who help me throw the punches (and I mean literally raise my arm and aim my fist and extend my arm for the contact between the jaw of my opponent and my fist).

There are people in my crew who give me balance and keep my goals and dreams attainable - and when I dream too big for my universe, they keep me reaching for the correct stars and help me set my sights within the realm of possibility, reminding me that the further reaches of the universe will come in time.

There are people on my side who are there just to pat me on the back and encourage me, let me know that they have faith in my abilities and will be there to cheer me on the next time I'm 'in the ring,' too. These are my cheerleaders.

Of course, I'm not a pugilist, that was all metaphorically stated. My opponent's 'jaw' is any large problem or question to solve, or a hurdle emanating from under-employment or some physical malady - such as the unexpected surgery two years ago, Brian's stones or Karl's miopericarditis.

I know, maybe this all isn't making much sense. Maybe I should stick to simple statements and not try to draw mental pictures and corollary lines.

Simply put, I am a very fortunate person. I have a bounty of good in my life, and I know it. I may not always say it...I may not always tell those of you who know me personally how I feel or how much you mean to me, but I am blessed by you.

My blessings are compounded by my children who have become kind young men and by the talents I possess.

I think I have a long way to go before I become one of those people who are the 'whole package' -before I am someone's blessing - but I would like to think I have a few qualities that make you feel as though having me in your life was worth it.

1 comment:

Jwilson said...

Of course you have those qualities, and more! Your sons did not become "kind young men" by accident, you had a great deal to do with that. And, you have a generosity of spirit that many people lack, especially these days... Don't sell yourself short, sister!!