

Another beautiful day!

Didn't get everything accomplished that I wanted to, or even planned on, but that's the way it goes, right?

I had a really nice conversation with my mom yesterday, followed by a great confab with a fresh set of artistic eyes regarding the quilt project. With a renewed sense of purpose, I attacked the quilting with new thoughts and possibilities in my head.

Today I used the beautiful sunshine to gain some ground, and while I didn't get as far as I anticipated, I did get other things done besides a little laying out and not a completely wasted day.

Received a fairly long email from my aunt in NY, and then took some time to send a response - hi, Jude. My cats are crawling around me as I type - Cleo the most. She is begging for some lap time, and it is hard to resist her lovely green eyes and chirpy pleading, so I will make this fast. Hello to your cellar cat from me and mine.

Sent two more sets of books on their way to new homes - hooray! - and I keep looking for more sales. I know they will come and I must be patient and make myself ready for it when that happens. There is a need for more cardboard and tape to ship with and more room in which to get the job done, so this is something I will need to take some time to remedy soon.

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to look through the bookstore listings...please know there will be more added over the next few days. The process is time-consuming and I am trying to justify taking time away from my other needful project. If you don't see something, PLEASE ASK. I probably have it and just haven't gotten there yet. Check back often, and please tell your friends and family.

Hard for me to believe we are at another another Friday already, but here we are. I hope your weekend is everything you need it to be! Enjoy.

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