

December First: A fruitful meeting

In so much as I gleaned a couple of really good ideas from Trish about how to experiment with my quilting design (for the competition piece), I am now chomping at the bit to get started today.

Too bad I wasn't in the same location as the quilt for several lost hours. [awe....snap!]

It's another sunny, gorgeous day, and with so much of our first snowfall still on the ground the light is brilliant indoors for what seems like hours more for this time of year. It's a mind game, I know, but I don't care. Sunshine is sunshine and I will gladly take it! The snow just magnifies and bounces the light all over for an uplifting feeling.

Two more book sales appeared late last night for the online bookshop, so those will need bundling and posting, taking away from the precious daytime work hours.

For those of you keeping track, still no reply to the questions at hand for the film job I was offered late-October/early-November. Also, very little else in the way of corporate jobs to apply to, either. Opportunities are scarce and I feel a little like a deer in deep snow, pawing at the ground to find some sustenance.

Dear Lord, thank You for your gifts of the day, and for the promise You place in tomorrow.

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